blog My dbt continuous integration setup
blog 2022: The high and low temperatures


blog A workon script for everyday living
blog 2021: The high and low temperatures


blog I switched telecom providers and have the data
blog Watching spring arrive from my home office.
blog Notifications for unknown SSH logins on your headless machines.
blog 2020: The high and low temperatures
blog Binoculars, a python package for Binomial confidence intervals.


blog In which I demonstrate that they say "Oh My God" a lot in the show "Friends"
blog 2019: The high and low temperatures
blog Deploying my Pelican website to Github Pages.


blog A single sample poisson test.
blog A python implementation of the Poisson exact test (e-test).
blog Configuring a headless raspberry pi on your home network.
blog An update on the softmax function for numpy.


blog What I found in 18,000 Pitchfork album reviews.
blog A softmax function for numpy.
blog Solving nonlinearly separable classifications in a single layer neural network.


blog I'll be at MathPsych and CogSci 2016