2022: The high and low temperatures

January 2023

Four years ago I hooked up a thermometer to a Raspberry Pi, and I set up a cron job to save the temperature in my postgres database every minute. Since then, I've posted year-in-review style articles once annually (2019, 2020, 2021) describing the data I had obtained from running the cron job for a full calendar year.

This is another one of those posts!

(FYI- You can still check out a real time view of the data via my heroku webapp.)

🔥 the warmest day

Usually I record the warmest daily temperatures during whatever week we shut off the AC and leave town for a vacation. This year we left in August and let the apartment roast.

❄ the coldest day

Late December was cold; anyone in NYC can attest to this. Again, we left town and shut off the heat, so temperatures dropped lower than I've ever seen them in the apartment (<50℉!).

I think it's wild that even on this day, with an outside high temp of 27℉, the sunlight supported 62℉ indoor temperatures at one point in the afternoon.

📈 The most variable day

The most variable day was an another Fall day with heavy sunlight coming in; quickly warming the apartment from 63℉ to 82℉ in the space of a few hours.

All together!

I found it interesting to plot these days on the same axis so that the changes in temperature over time can be appreciated. Take a look!

👋 cya in 2024!